Flag of the Navajo Nation (Wikimedia)

Canyon de Chelly

The "White House" of the Canyon de Chelly ...

... with 19th century graffiti.

Junction overlook: Note the grove in the canyon, with a dwelling but no roads.

Tsegi Overlook

Monument valley: By night ...

... and by day.

Early morning colors fascinate ...

... as do all the "eyes" carved by erorsion.

... still in Monument Valley ...


Mystery Valley ...

... large "eyes" also there.

Hogans: Traditional dwellings of the Navajo people.

Left: a male hogan for ceremonies. Right: a female hogan for housing.


Lower Antelope Canyon near Page, AZ ...

... is famous for breathtaking colors.

Impressions from Lower Antelope Canyon.


Impressions from Lower Antelope Canyon.


Impressions from Lower Antelope Canyon.

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