Dirk Bakowies - Home Page

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Dr. Dirk Bakowies
Computational Chemist

Tel: +41 78 856 61 45


Research Interests

Selected recent and past projects

  • Efficient computational models in (bio)chemistry
  • Biomolecular Simulation
  • Water cavities  
  • Scientific programming
  • FABP  
  • Biomolecular simulation
  • Carbopeptoids  
  • Quantum/classical embedding
  • Enzymes & Free Energies  
  • Semiempirical methods
  • High-level ab initio thermochemistry
  • Software & Algorithms
  • Cavity analysis  
  • Exploration of chemical space
  • Pair list algorithms  


  • Ab initio Thermochemistry
  • CBS extrapolation
  • Extensive programming and scripting experience
  • ATOMIC  
  • Expert knowledge of FORTRAN
  • Error and uncertainty (1)  
  • GPU and parallel programming
  • Error and uncertainty (2)  
  • High-performance computing
  • ATOMIC-2  
  • Linux system administration (scientific compute environments)
  • Teaching: Advanced courses, student supervision.
  • Semiempirical methods
  • Giant Fullerenes  

    Ab initio thermochemistry: The ATOMIC-2 protocol with estimates of error and uncertainty                  

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    ATOMIC-2 is the latest version of the ATOMIC protocol that implements Pople's concept of bond separation reactions to reduce the error of midlevel ab initio approaches in calculations of atomization energies and enthalpies of formation. The new protocol focuses on computational efficiency and increased accuracy, and it supplies an estimate of the uncertainty, tailored to size and type of the molecule.

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    Computational efficiency. In large benchmarks (> 200'000 molecules) ATOMIC-2 / B5 has been demonstrated to be computationally very efficient. Molecules with up to six non-hydrogen atoms and any number of hydrogen atoms take less than an hour to finish, often just a few minutes, using single cores of standard processors. Yet bias-corrected ATOMIC-2um / B5 achieves an accuracy better than popular G4 theory.

    Bakowies, D. " ATOMIC-2 protocol for thermochemistry " J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2022, 18, 4142-4163.
    Bakowies, D. "Ab initio thermochemistry with ATOMIC-2"     DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5780172
    Bakowies, D.; von Lilienfeld, O. A. " Density functional geometries and zero-point energies in ab initio thermochemical treatments of compounds with first-row atoms (H, C, N, O, F) "
    J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17(8), 4872-4890.


    Ab initio thermochemistry: Estimates of error and uncertainty (1)                  

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    In experimental thermochemistry it is accepted standard to report results together with uncertainties, usually taken to be intervals of 95% confidence. Theoretical approaches are rarely designed to provide confidence intervals.

    Focusing on hydrocarbons, ATOMIC(hc) estimates bias and uncertainty of theoretical results component-by-component, taking a large number of very high-level reference data.

    Bakowies, D. ,
    " Estimating systematic error and uncertainty in ab initio thermochemistry. I. Atomization energies of hydrocarbons in the ATOMIC(hc) protocol " J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15(10), 5230-5251.


    The graphic above shows that post-CCSD(T) effects can be quite sizeable, but it also indicates that simple uncertainty estimates (black lines) manage to cover most of the systems. A quality criterion computed from the T1 diagnostic warns of cases for which the error estimate may be unreliable (black circles). Other sources of error are studied as well, including the limited accuracy of complete-basis-set extrapolations of CCSD(T) and of computed relativistic effects and diagonal Born-Oppenheimer corrections.

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    Ab initio thermochemistry: Estimates of error and uncertainty (2)                  

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    In an extension to the ATOMIC(hc) model for bottom-of-the-well atomization energies, we have also studied errors and uncertainties for the remaining components necessary to evaluate enthalpies of formation.

    Bakowies, D. , " Estimating systematic error and uncertainty in ab initio thermochemistry: II. ATOMIC(hc) enthalpies of formation for a large set of hydrocarbons " J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2020, 16(1), 399-426.

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    The evaluation of ZPEs from scaled harmonic frequencies (black in top graph) expectedly emerges as the leading source of uncertainty if highly accurate composite models are used to treat the electronic problem (such as A*, green, vs ZPE, black, in center graph), but uncertainties are usually balanced with those from computationally more attractive B level models (such as B5, blue, center graph) to estimate the CBS limit of CCSD(T).


    Ab initio thermochemistry: ATOMIC protocol                  

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    The ATOMIC approach was developed with the needs in mind that are posed by the calibration of modern approximate models of quantum chemistry, such as semiempirical methods. It is a robust and computationally efficient approach to otherwise dauntingly expensive calculations of atomization energies. The graph shows how the use of bond separation reactions (BSRs) helps to reduce errors in each of the components contributing to the CCSD(T)(full) atomization energy at the complete-basis set limit. Each single chart shows RMS errors for a particular component as function of the basis-set cardinal number, without (top) or with (bottom) extrapolation. In practice only small basis-set calculations are feasible for larger systems.

    Bakowies, D. , " Ab initio thermochemistry using optimal-balance models with isodesmic corrections: The ATOMIC protocol " J. Chem. Phys. 2009, 130, 144113/1-21.
    Bakowies, D. , " Ab initio thermochemistry with high-level isodesmic corrections: Validation of the ATOMIC protocol for a large set of compounds with first-row atoms (H, C, N, O, F) " J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113(43), 11517-11534.
    Bakowies, D. , " Assessment of density functional theory for thermochemical approaches based on bond separation reactions "
    J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117(1), 228-243.
    Bakowies, D. , " Simplified wave function models in thermochemical protocols based on bond separation reactions " J. Phys. Chem. A 2014, 118(50), 11811-11827.


    Corrections to atomization energies beyond the CCSD(T) level of theory are estimated from thermoneutral BSRs. This simplification renders the calculation of these corrections a trivial task of summing up bond increments. Such an approach is astonishingly accurate for scalar relativistic corrections and works reasonably well even for CCSDTQ-CCSD(T) corrections.

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    Ab initio thermochemistry: CBS extrapolation                  

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    The development of accurate extrapolation formulas for electron correlation energies is an important field in ab initio thermochemistry. Electron correlation energies are known to converge slowly to the complete basis set limit, and finite basis set calculations will thus carry substantial error. On the other hand, computational restraints usually force one to resort to small basis-set calculations. The graph compares residual errors for our newly developed and theoretically well-motivated extrapolation formula (2nd and 4th panel) to those of the best alternative formulations (1st and 3rd panels). The large improvement is expected to have a significant impact on producing reliable ab initio reference data for the calibration of empirical and semiempirical potentials.

    Bakowies, D. , " Extrapolation of electron correlation energies to finite and complete basis set targets " J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 127, 084105/1-23.
    Bakowies, D. , " Accurate extrapolation of electron correlation energies from small basis sets " J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 127, 164109/1-12

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    Biomolecular simulation: Algorithms for trajectory analysis                  

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    A simulation of FABP in water. The protein carries a large water-filled cavity in the interior. How can we extract this internal water?

    Bakowies, D.; van Gunsteren, W. F., " Water in protein cavities: A procedure to identify internal water and exchange pathways and application to fatty acid binding protein " Proteins 2002, 47, 534-545.

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    Essentially, we represent the protein barrel by its Cα skeleton, triangulate it, and determine all water molecules inside the polyhedron.


    Some details on the algorithm. The triangulation exploits locality and can thus be performed in linear time.


    Biomolecular simulation: FABP                  

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    Using the above algorithm, we may analyze the entire trajectory and identify the distribution of 3 (apo) and 4 (holo) water molecules which in NMR experiments have been found to be particularly immobile,

    Bakowies, D.; van Gunsteren, W. F., " Simulations of apo and holo-fatty acid binding protein: Structure and dynamics of protein, ligand and internal water "
    J. Mol. Biol. 2002, 315, 713-736.

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    or analyze the entire interior water density


    or even time-resolved interaction potentials with other water, with protein residues, and with the ligand to improve our understanding of the internal water dynamics.


    Biomolecular simulation: Carbopeptoids                  

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    Carbopeptoids are homooligomers of sugar-containing peptides, and they serve as rigidified peptide models with potential applications as drugs that block protein-protein interactions and inhibit enzyme catalysis.

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    MD simulations reproduce experimentally (NOE) derived distance constraints. Cluster analyses of MD trajectories demonstrates, however, that the experimentally postulated helical structure is only one of several dominating structural motifs comprising the entire ensemble, and that the unfolded state is in fact not structureless. Such insight is hard if not impossible to obtain from experiment alone.

    Baron, R.; Bakowies, D.; van Gunsteren, W. F., " Principles of carbopeptoid folding: A molecular dynamics simulation study " J. Peptide Sci. 2005, 11, 74-84.
    Baron, R.; Bakowies, D.; van Gunsteren, W. F., " Carbopeptoid folding: Effects of stereochemistry, chain length, and solvent " Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 4055-4059, Angew. Chem. 2004, 116, 4147-4151.


    Cluster analysis combining the ensembles of the tetrapeptide and equally long blocks of the hexapeptide demonstrates the repetition of structural motifs in longer peptide chains, a result, that was postulated in experimental studies. Note the "overlapping" (blue/red) clusters in the graph.


    MD simulation software: Pair list algorithms

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    MD simulations often apply a distance-cutoff for pair potentials, and the scan of the atom pair matrix is one of the very time-critical parts of such an MD simulation. While linear-scaling grid-cell techniques become efficient for very large system sizes, improved double-loop algorithms are beneficial for intermediate sizes often considered in current-day simulations.

    van Gunsteren, W. F.; Bakowies, D.; Baron, R. et al., " Biomolecular modeling: Goals, problems, perspectives " Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 4064-4092, Angew. Chem. 2006, 118, 4168-4198.

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    Here we take advantage of the fast processor cache found in modern CPUs and replace the row-wise atom pair scan (unshaded) by a window scan (shaded) which can process a number of pairs that scales quadratically, rather than linearly, with the number of atoms loaded into cache memory. The triangular atom-pair matrix may be reordered to become rectangular, in which case all rhombic windows become quadratic.


    Giant fullerenes                  

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    Fullerenes were discovered in the mid-80's and have attracted a lot of attention as new allotropes of carbon. The prototype buckminsterfullerene, C60, is spherical due to its high symmetry.

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    Despite earlier claims, however, our semiempirical calculations have shown that larger fullerenes of icosahedral symmetry prefer facetted over spherical shapes. These results were confirmed by more rigorous density functional calculations . The picture above shows the facetted form of C960 from two different perspectives and a hypothetical spherical alternative.

    Bakowies, D.; Buehl, M.; Thiel, W., " Can large fullerenes be spherical ? " J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 10113-10118.
    Bakowies, D.; Buehl, M.; Thiel, W., " A density functional study on the shape of C180 and C240 fullerenes " Chem. Phys. Lett. 1995, 247, 491-493.

      (C) Dirk Bakowies                         last changed 2023.